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Michael Peters

"Michael delivered an impeccable educational talk that left us wanting to learn more, real life expert advice and tools to support us in real time.  We took away how we can better support the men in our business accompanied with tangible tips and tools.”

Robert Bird Group

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Foreplay before THE foreplay

Target- Mens events, Business owners, Corporate, Universities

We are all inhabited by masculine and feminine energies and when unconsciously used, the way we set the tone for dating or relationships can already be at a disadvantage and weaken sexual attraction. During this presentation, Michael will share the art of polarity and how you can use your masculinity to keep your partner yearning for more.


Target- Mens events, Business owners, Corporate, Universities 

Overriding pain and living through unconscious patterned behaviours averts you from success and keeps you in the familiar. Even if the familiar is not working out for you. Michael shares how to maximise your masculinity so you can show up powerfully in life, work and relationships.

Wellness Speaker Topics


Michael Peters was raised in Cornwall where he pursued his training in performing arts that lead to a career in various shows in London’s West End, performing on Tv and Film. It wasn’t until Michael felt inspired to explore further into Spirituality and self development where he made the decision to become a Mens Personal development coach and bring awareness to other men to make a powerful decision for themselves to transform their lives. Such methods as Tantra, Quantum physiques, Conscious Manifestation support his unique way of revealing more of one’s Masculinity. It’s been a pleasure for Michael to fuse his background in performing arts with his Mens work to create events for men and couples in spaces like The Mandrake Hotel and Robert Bird Group and continues to spread this awareness.

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